Orange County Traumatic Brain Injury Attorneys

When your brain suffers a sudden impact or physical force, such as striking the windshield or pavement during a car accident, the consequences are often severe. A traumatic brain injury (TBI) may result in permanent mental, emotional, or physical disability, which can include seizures, loss of coordination or mobility, cognition difficulties, and personality changes.

These symptoms may be immediate or they could take days or weeks to even develop, and the damage could be considerable even if the skull isn't penetrated. If you or a loved one suspect you have suffered a traumatic brain injury, it's important to seek medical attention immediately and contact an experienced catastrophic injury attorney.

At the Law Offices of Steven Zwick, we have years of experience handling personal injury and catastrophic injury cases. Located in Mission Viejo, California, we serve clients throughout Southern California & Orange County. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Understanding Traumatic Brain Injuries

According to the National Institute of Health, transportation accidents involving bicycles, motorcycles, and automobiles account for nearly one-half of traumatic brain injuries. Whiplash, or a sudden jerking of the neck common in many motor vehicle accidents, can also cause traumatic brain injuries.

At The Law Offices of Steven Zwick, our attorneys have a deep understanding of California personal injury law, which allows us to handle various types of traumatic brain injury cases and help our clients pursue the compensation they deserve.

Types of Traumatic Brain Injuries We Handle

Traumatic brain injuries can range from mild concussions to severe brain damage. At the Law Offices of Steven Zwick, we handle a variety of TBI cases including the following:

  • Concussions: This is the most common type of traumatic brain injury, and it occurs when an individual suffers a blow or jolt to the head that causes the brain to move around in the skull.

  • Contusions: These are bruises on the brain, which can result from direct impact to the head or from violent shaking.

  • Diffuse axonal injuries (DAI): These types of TBI occurs when there is widespread damage to nerve cells throughout the brain, often caused by rotational forces during accidents.

  • Penetrating injuries: These occur when a foreign object, such as a bullet or piece of debris from an explosion, enters the skull and damages brain tissue.

If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury due to someone else's negligence, seek legal representation as soon as possible. Our attorneys have the necessary experience and resources to handle complex TBI cases and will fight tirelessly for your rights.


Steven Zwick in a navy suit.

Long-Term Impact of TBIs

The long-term impacts of traumatic brain injuries are unpredictable. Victims of these injuries may seem fine for a week, month, or year after an accident, but their motor functions, memory, personality, and cognitive skills may suddenly change down the line.

This is why it's important to seek out immediate medical attention from a verified medical professional after a car accident. They will be able to diagnose you properly and provide the recommended treatment.

Unfortunately, victims of serious traumatic brain injuries or other types of head trauma will often never be the same. At the Law Offices of Steven Zwick, we will work tirelessly to help you calculate the costs for medical care and ongoing treatment.

Potential Compensation for Traumatic Brain Injuries

Since traumatic brain injuries can be debilitating and require extensive medical treatment, rehabilitation, and ongoing care, victims are often entitled to compensation. Our experienced personal injury attorneys understand the financial burdens that come with these types of injuries and are dedicated to helping our clients pursue compensation for:

  • Medical expenses including hospitalization, surgeries, medications, therapy sessions, and assistive devices

  • Lost wages due to the inability to work or reduced earning capacity

  • Pain and suffering for emotional distress and loss of enjoyment of life

  • Long-term care costs if necessary

  • Punitive damages if the defendant's actions were intentionally malicious, aggressive, or reckless

At The Law Offices of Steven Zwick, you can trust that your traumatic brain injury case will be handled with compassion and diligence. Contact us today for a consultation and let us help you get the compensation you deserve.

How to Prevent Traumatic Brain Injuries

While traumatic brain injuries are very serious, they are also more common than many people think. What's worse, they can also be prevented. Some of the ways you can reduce your risk of suffering a traumatic brain injury include:

  • Always wear a seat belt while driving or riding in a vehicle

  • Wear a helmet while participating in high-risk activities such as biking, skating, or skiing

  • Avoid drinking and driving or getting into a vehicle with an impaired driver

  • Use caution when engaging in physical activities that could result in head injuries, such as certain contact sports

By taking these simple precautions, you can potentially prevent a traumatic brain injury and avoid the potential long-term consequences that come with it.

How Can Our Firm Help?

If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury due to someone else's negligence or misconduct, it is important to seek legal help. An experienced traumatic brain injury attorney can help you better understand your rights and pursue compensation.

At The Law Offices of Steven Zwick, our mission is to provide aggressive legal representation for individuals who have suffered traumatic brain injuries.

We understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll that these injuries can take on victims and their families, and we are dedicated to helping them receive the justice and compensation they deserve. Some of the ways our firm can help include:

  • Conducting a thorough investigation into the cause of your injury and gathering evidence to support your case

  • Consulting with medical professionals to accurately assess the extent of your injuries and determine the necessary compensation for medical care and ongoing treatment

  • Negotiating with insurance companies on your behalf to help ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries

  • Representing you in court if a fair settlement cannot be reached through negotiation

At the Law Offices of Steven Zwick, we are dedicated to fighting for our clients' rights. Contact us today for a consultation with one of our experienced traumatic brain injury attorneys. Let us help you navigate the legal process and seek the justice you deserve.


If you or a loved one is suffering from the effects of a traumatic brain injury, it's important to secure experienced legal representation. At the Law Offices of Steven Zwick, we have over 40 years of experience handling personal injury and catastrophic injury cases.

Located in Mission Viejo, California, we serve clients throughout Southern California and Orange County. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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