Westminster – Truck and School Bus Collide on I-5 North Freeway Near Disneyland Drive
Ambulance Rushes to Accident after School Bus Crashes with Truck on I-5 N and Disneyland Drive
WESTMINSTER, CALIFORNIA (August 10, 2016) – A truck and a school brush were involved in a crash on the I-5 North freeway near the Disneyland Drive on-ramp at about 7:52 AM on Wednesday morning. The accident occurred when the vehicles hit the overpass sign, according to a report by California Highway Patrol. While an ambulance rushed to the scene due to report of injuries, there was no indication that children were involved in the accident.
The school bus blew a tire, according to the report, though it is unclear whether this occurred due to the accident or if it was a cause of the accident. The truck involved in the crash tried to swerve out of the way. A witness who reported the accident is unsure whether the crash was caused by the school bus or the truck. Investigation is ongoing.
After the truck tried to swerve to avoid the crash, it veered off the roadway and almost overturned. However, it was stopped by the guardrail, and remained straddling it after the crash. The school bus was safe on the right shoulder.
The accident caused about ten feet of the guardrail to be damaged. However, it was not a traffic hazard, and both vehicles were moved out of the line of traffic. No one was reported to have been harmed, though paramedics were at the scene to provide medical assistance.
If you have been hurt after a car accident, talk to a personal injury lawyer immediately. The attorneys at Steven Zwick & Associates can help you determine your eligibility for rights and benefits. Call us today to find out how.